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sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Bloquear Solicitudes de Aplicaciones en Facebook

Para todos los que estamos cansados de los jueguitos, horóscopos y demás cosas que nos encontramos en el Facebook, muchos de nosotros no sabemos como bloquearlas, así que por eso les he hecho un pequeño tutorial de como por fin bloquear las invitaciones…
Espero les guste, compartan y comenten..


viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

3 Handy Mouse Tricks You’ve Probably Never Heard Of [Windows]

windows mouse tricks The computer mouse is an incredibly nifty device, which unfortunately, a lot of people do not use to its full potential. There are many more things the mouse can do than left-click to move and select things or right-click to bring up context menus. Many of the tricks are easy to learn as they depend on no more than three keyboard keys. However, they can turn out to be huge time savers and making some tasks much easier.

I have to admit up front that the title of this article is not entirely accurate. As you will see, the list below has a dozen items, not just three. Well, my logic is that if you are slightly geeky and know your way around with computers, you have probably heard of a few of these tricks or maybe even most of them. However, I’m sure that the average person will find at least three Windows mouse tricks they have never heard of before. I have included some simple tricks to offer a somewhat complete list for those who are not as experienced.

Left Mouse Button Tricks

You hopefully know that you can use the [SHIFT] key to select multiple items in a folder. Now, you can do the same for text on a website or in a document. Just click the start point of the paragraph you want to select, then hold the [SHIFT] key, while you click at the end point of what you want to select. Et voilà, that whole chunk of text has been highlighted and can now be copied or edited.

  • To select text, left-click first character, then hold [SHIFT] key and select last character.

windows mouse tricks

If you are a little more advanced, you probably know that you can also select a random series of items in a folder by holding down the [CTRL] key as you select the items. Again, the same can be done when you want to select multiple random chunks of text in a document. Just hold onto the [CTRL] key as you go and highlight whatever you want to select. This will not work everywhere, but it does work very nicely in Office documents.

Soluciona el problema de seguridad de Internet Explorer

Microsoft ha anunciado que un fallo en su navegador web Internet Explorer puede exponer a los usuarios a un riesgo, siendo éstos vulnerables a ataques externos.

Sin entrar en demasiados detalles técnicos, se trata de una vulnerabilidad "Día Cero". Esta amenaza se puede activar al visitar una página web determinada, que descarga el código malicioso a tu equipo para luego ejecutarlo.

Pero tranquilo, porque Microsoft ha publicado una solución para prevenir posibles problemas en este sentido, antes de lanzar un parche oficial para Internet Explorer.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Samsung Responds To iPhone 5 Frenzy With A Feisty Galaxy S III Commercial

Here we go again. Samsung (and its agency) has historically had no problem poking fun at overly-obsessed, iPhone-idolizing Apple fanatics, and just like clockwork, the Korean electronics giant has released a new commercial pointing out a handful of the iPhone 5’s omissions and foibles.

In case you don’t have a minute and a half to burn, here’s the whole thing in a nutshell: the commercial pokes at Apple’s (perhaps overly earnest) marketing language, the headphone jack’s new location, the new Lightning dock connector (twice!), the lack of NFC, and the general un-coolness of lusting after a smartphone your parents will probably want to own at some point too.

The message is, clearly, that the iPhone 5 just doesn’t match up to Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S III. The accuracy of that point of view is an issue I’ll leave for you to debate, but it’s a feisty little ad that I think makes a few decent (if completely ham-fisted) points about the perceived feature gap between the two phones. Either way, it’s hard to resist the temptation (for an ad nerd like me, anyway) to go digging for the commercial’s potential implications. Is going to put a dent in the iPhone 5′s sales? Hell no. As usual, people lined up nearly as soon as the damned thing was trotted out in San Francisco, and plenty of early reviews point out that the iPhone 5 seems like much more than just the sum of its changelog.

Interestingly enough, some people are already reading this commercial as an attempt to reach out to dyed-in-the-wool Apple customers (to see the errors of their ways, I guess). That seems like a hell of a stretch — after all, the portrayal of Apple line-goers as doe-eyed iPhone apologists probably won’t elicit much in the warm-and-fuzzy feelings department. It seems more like a way to keep the Galaxy S III name at the top of people’s minds when it comes time to buy a new phone, especially considering that Samsung’s sizable smartphone will be five or six months old — nearly ancient in mobile terms — once the holiday buying frenzy kicks off.

By the way, if you could use a laugh, be sure to check out the video’s comments on YouTube — you’ll surely see platform fanboyism at its finest.

Software to Sync With the Cloud

Cloud computing – the sharing of resources and information over the Internet – has taken a giant leap forward since the surge in popularity of smartphones, tablets and the desire to sync data across multiple devices. Revenue generated by cloud services is projected to approach $152.1 billion by 2014, according to Forbes magazine. This makes for a competitive market and gives end users a wide variety of software choices. At the time of publication, most software vendors are marketing their products using the “freemium” business model, which allows you to use the basic product free, and you can upgrade to premium versions with additional features for a small fee. All versions provide robust encryption and security.



  • SugarSync works on almost every tablet computer.

    SugarSync ( syncs documents, pictures, music and videos across multiple platforms. Depending on your needs, you might choose the free 5GB plan or upgrade to as much as 500GB. SugarSync installs on almost any device: Windows, Mac and all mobile devices including Android, Blackberry, Apple products, Symbian and Windows Mobile. After syncing, you can access files in your account on the SugarSync website, in the SugarSync file manager or on any device to which you have chosen to sync. The Magic Briefcase feature automatically syncs all your devices – just drag and drop. Upload photos seamlessly; simply take the picture from the Sugarsync app, save and it will sync automatically. External drives are not supported.

Users Report Annoying (Apparently Fixed) WiFi Bug In iOS 6

ios 6 bug

It looks like there’s been another bug in today’s launch of iOS 6. We’ve been getting multiple tips stating iOS 6 is causing a bug in users’ WiFi several hours after it’s installed. There are also tweets and a long discussion thread on the Apple website to that effect.

Heck, it’s already getting to the point where people are making jokes.

Here’s what the basic pattern seems to be: The WiFi works all right at first, but then you’re eventually booted off. If you try to get on again, it looks like you’ve connected, but then you’re redirected to a login/404 page on the Apple website. Someone named “tylerc” on Twitter offers this explanation: “Turns out iOS checks … to make sure WiFi doesn’t require login, but that page was 404′ing, so, disaster. Crazy!”

When I checked this out myself, I noticed that I had been disconnected from the TechCrunch office WiFi, but once I got on again, I didn’t have any problems. TechCrunch’s Drew Olanoff had a similar experience. It also looks like the Apple page in question is up again, so the issue may be resolved. I’ve also emailed Apple in the off chance that they respond.

[image via Jon Sagara]



Realizar una copia de seguridad completa de los datos del navegador


Estos últimos días se está hablando mucho de un problema que afecta a una gran cantidad de usuarios de Internet: Se ha descubierto una vulnerabilidad crítica que afecta a Internet Explorer, que pese a haber sido desplazado por Google Chrome, sigue siendo uno de los navegadores más utilizados de la actualidad.

La vulnerabilidad permitiría a un atacante hacerse con el control de la computadora, algo que no suele ser habitual y motivo por el cual se tilda de crítica. Todo esto nos viene a decir, entre otras cosas, que los navegadores de Internet se han convertido en una de las piezas integrales en cualquier sistema operativo de usuario, lo incluya éste de serie o no.

Puede que, y esperemos que así sea, nunca nos veamos afectados por un problema tan grave como el descrito, pero lo que si deberíamos tener muy en cuenta es que diariamente accedemos a datos críticos a través del navegador, y seguramente parte de esos datos estén, o bien por comodidad o bien porque no hemos configurado suficientemente, en el propio navegador. Esto también nos viene a decir que esos datos pueden estar sólo ahí, y que si los perdemos por algún u otro motivo, podemos perder tiempo en el mejor de los casos o los datos para siempre en el peor.

Por eso es bueno realizar una copia de seguridad del navegador y de los datos del mismo, independientemente de si utilizamos Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera o cualquier otro. En cada uno los pasos a seguir para ello varían, y puede ser más o menos difícil pero siempre hay alguna forma de hacerlo, aunque sea recurriendo a herramientas externas.

Restaurar archivos borrados en SkyDrive

SkyDrive Logo

En el mundo de los servicios en la nube, hay unas cuantas ramas que tienen más popularidad que otras, y que realmente son por las que se utiliza ese nombre. Por ejemplo, tenemos las aplicaciones que nos permiten hacer cosas para las que antes necesitábamos programas completos. Un ejemplo es Google Docs y el resto de suites dedicadas al sector ofimático. Otro, sin duda, es el mundo del almacenamiento en la nube, una muy buena idea no sólo para almacenar contenidos importantes, sino para tenerlos bajo control y compartirlos fácilmente.


Siempre polémicos, ya que pasamos de tener nuestros archivos en un servidor externo en el que nos prometen privacidad pero de eso no podremos estar nunca seguros, hay varios servicios que destacan sobre otros. Por ejemplo, Dropbox, uno de los más populares, aunque si a día de hoy me preguntáis cuál es su verdadero competidor -y es que hay muchos- yo diría que es SkyDrive.

SkyDrive es un producto que lleva en el mercado mucho tiempo que a día de hoy es uno de los productos en la nube estrella de Microsoft, una compañía que desde luego ofrece garantías y que puede permitirse ofrecer altas capacidades y funcionalidades aun utilizando el servicio estándar. Por supuesto, esto no les libra de polémicas y de que nos hagamos la pregunta de si algún día será demasiado tarde para volver al almacenamiento offline, algo que me gustaría retomar en otro artículo.

Microsoft prometió que muy pronto arreglará la vulnerabilidad de Internet Explorer

La grave vulnerabilidad en Internet Explorer detectada hace un par de días tiene a varios en Microsoft trabajando duro, tratando de arreglar ese grave exploit de día cero.

Hace unas horas atrás Microsoft prometió en poco tiempo más ofrecerán un patch que arregla la vulnerabilidad de su navegador en todas las versiones desde la 6 hasta la 9.

Igualmente Microsoft dijo que el impacto del exploit hasta ahora ha sido extremadamente limitado.

Microsoft en un primer momento recomendó instalar su herramienta Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET), pero según algunos expertos no es muy eficiente que digamos.

Por lo que lo más recomendable ahora es no utilizar Internet Explorer hasta que lancen el patch que arregla la vulnerabilidad.

[Fuente The Next Web]

Internet Explorer Users Could Be Vulnerable To A Huge Security Hole

Internet Explorer users may have a reason to jump ship and head over to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or any other browser. It was recently revealed that there may be a large Zero-day exploit causing problems for IE users. If an Internet Explorer user visits a malicious site that exploits this security hole, the results could be quite bad for them. This issue will not cause a problem for users of Internet Explorer 10. Only users running IE version 7,8, or 9 on a machine running Windows XP, Vista or 7 are at risk.

Essentially, with this Zero-day exploit an outside party could gain control over the infected machine and have the same privileges and access as the current user.

The 5 Best Android Devices You Can Buy This Fall

This post is sponsored by eBay. From the new to the hard to find, when it’s on your mind, it’s on eBay.

The actual contents and opinions are the sole views of

Android devices have always struggled with a stigma of being a bit low-class compared to Apple’s lofty products. This may have been deserved when the first products hit the market years ago, but manufacturers have been working harder to catch up.

Today, there are many options for the enthusiast that can go toe-to-toe with the best products running any other operating system. This is true among both phones and tablets. Let’s have a look at the current Android vanguard.

ASUS Transformer Prime Infinity

The ASUS Transformer has always been a bit of a press darling. It was the first tablet to introduce a keyboard dock and it was among the first to use an NVIDIA Tegra processor. ASUS has revised and expanded the line since its original release, culminating in the Transformer Prime Infinity.

The Infinity offers a fast Tegra 3 processor, 1080p display and an optional keyboard dock that can extend battery life to about 20 hours. This makes it the most impressive Android tablet on the market, period. It’s fully capable of rivaling the iPad 3. Prices start at just under $500 for the 16GB version and end at around $700 for the 64GB model.

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

How To Get Rid Of Facebook Notifications & Other Annoying Things You Don’t Want To See

It’s funny how sometimes you can use an online service all the time, getting annoyed at little things without realising there’s an easy way to do something about it. Several of my friends who use Facebook almost every day recently told me how they hate always getting Facebook notifications for dumb games people want them to play, or updates about these games in their home feed. Obviously, if these people can be avid Facebook users without knowing there’s a fix, then there’s bound to be a few more of you out there too.

As I can’t even begin to imagine the horrors of using Facebook with all those annoyances in my face, I feel I should go back to basics here and make sure everyone knows how to get rid of them. If the post doesn’t apply to you, you no doubt know a friend or two who might be able to make use of the knowledge.

Getting Rid Of Unwanted Notifications

To sort out your Facebook notifications settings, head to the arrow in the top right of Facebook and choose Account Settings from the drop-down menu, then “Notifications” from the left hand side. You’ll see there’s a lot of different options available to you.

facebook notificationshow to delete facebook notifications

5 pequeños trucos para Word

Microsoft WordWord es el procesador de textos incluido en la suite Microsoft Office, y uno de los programas de ofimática más usados en todo el mundo.

Cuando se acerca a su trigésimo cumpleaños -la primera versión, para MS-DOS, data de 1983, su popularidad apenas se ha visto afectada por otros programas y suites como OpenOffice.

En este artículo te vamos a presentar 5 funciones sencillas de Word que quizá no conozcas, si lo usas sólo de vez en cuando y nunca lo has estudiado al detalle.

Mejora tu uso de Word con estos sencillos trucos.

1. Cambia el tamaño y la orientación de la hoja: apaisado o retrato

Parece una tontería, pero no todo el mundo sabe que el documento de trabajo se puede adaptar para la orientación apaisada del papel, o incluso adaptarlo a distintos tamaños de papel.

Encontrarás ambas opciones en la cinta Diseño de página. Usa el desplegable Orientación para elegir entre vertical u horizontal.

Orientacion de pagina

El botón a la derecha, Tamaño, muestra un desplegable con distintos tamaños de papel estándar: carta, A3, A4, folio, sobre...  Si ninguno te convence, usa Más tamaños de papel para elegir las medidas manualmente.

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Guía de Windows 8 (9): El nuevo Administrador de Tareas

La nueva pantalla de Inicio, la Charms Bar, la cinta (ribbon) en el explorador de Windows, Internet Explorer 10... son muchas las novedades de Windows 8. A todas ellas se une un renovado Administrador de Tareas.

En este post te mostramos las novedades que trae el Administrador de Tareas de Windows 8, que ha sido rediseñado para ofrecer información más útil para el usuario y para facilitar la gestión de las aplicaciones y los procesos de tu equipo.

¿Qué es el Administrador de Tareas?

El Administrador de Tareas de Windows es una herramienta incluida en el Sistema Operativo que te permite gestionar las aplicaciones y procesos que el equipo está ejecutando. La función más utilizada por los usuarios es, sin embargo, la de la de finalizar aplicaciones y procesos que están bloqueando el PC.

iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S3 vs. iPhone 4S: Your Guide To Buy The Right Smartphone

Now that the iPhone 5 has officially arrived we have to ask to ask: Has Apple done what it takes to win your hearts (and wallets) over other smartphone suitors like Samsung’s Galaxy S3 and Nokia’s Lumia 920?

A lot’s at stake with Apple’s latest handset: For one thing, iPhone in August lost the No. 1 spot in the U.S. smartphone market to the Galaxy S3, though some of the decreased consumer interest was due to anticipation over the new iPhone’s release in September.

Take a look at our spec comparison (below), in which we pit the official features of the iPhone 5 against to two of its cutting-edge competitors, as well as the now-obsolete iPhone 4S.

Do you think the iPhone 5 stacks up? If you’re in the market for a new phone, which would you consider buying?

*Battery times for talk time based on manufacturer claims as found at PhoneArena. Web browsing time for Apple and Nokia based on manufacturer claim; web browsing time for Galaxy S III and iPhone 4S based on tests from GSM Arena.

UPDATE: A Samsung representative emailed that the company thinks its phone’s NFC capabilities — including S Beam and Buddy Share — are the Galaxy S III’s killer features. Also note that the Galaxy S III should be upgradeable to Android 4.1 “Jelly Bean” by the end of the year.

This post originally appeared on huffingtonpost

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