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viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Home » News » Firefox 15 Offers 3D Gaming Enhancements, Background Browser Upgrades

Firefox fans can now download the latest official release. Firefox 15 builds upon earlier enhancements to the browser’s treatment of online games by including native support for compressed textures via WebGL. This will feature will help 3D games running under Firefox provide better texture quality without destroying performance. There’s also new API support for more precise application timing, which is helpful for developers who want to make fast-paced games run in a browser.

Mozilla showed off their improvements earlier this year by creating a small RPG called BrowserQuest. Now they’ve done it again, this time via a first person shooter demo called BananaBread. The game runs on a port of an existing C/C++  engine that’s been converted to JavaScript and WebGL. It uses the new compression features found in Firefox 15 and will only work for users who update their browser.

Another important new feature is support for silent background updates. Firefox fans will no longer have to go to Mozilla’s website and download the newest version. Updates will instead be distributed automatically when available. Mozilla was a bit behind the curve on this one, but it’s nice to see the feature finally arrive.

A variety of other minor updates have been made in Firefox 15 including optimization of memory use for add-ons, minor changes and addition to HTML5 rendering and more. You can check out the full list or head straight to the download.

Source: Ars Technica

How To Save A Wet Cell Phone Or Tablet

I’ve got bad news for you. Dropping your phone in a puddle of water, bath, sink, toilet – even getting caught in a heavy shower – will leave it irreparably damaged. The same goes for tablet computers.

No more apps, games, Facebook, phonecalls or browsing. All gone.

That is, if you leave it switched on. Switching it off right away is probably the best solution, but it’s not all bad news.

In fact, there are a number of ways in which you can stop your phone or tablet computer from being left as nothing more than an expensive brick following prolonged contact with water.

The Effect of Water Damage

It is important to act fast when your phone or tablet gets wet. Water and electricity simply don’t get along, so a wet device could short out and even give you an electric shock. At best, a bit of water will condense on a hot circuit board or processor and cause damage to the screen, while water can find its way into bezels, slots, under the screen and into the battery cavity.

Basically, letting your phone or tablet (or laptop) get wet is a bad idea, and requires you to act as quickly as possible.

First Things First – Turn It Off!

If your phone has been exposed to enough water to make you concerned, the first thing you should do is turn it off! Not all phones will allow you to remove the battery, but if this option is available to you, do this rather than turning the device off.

Whatever you do, don’t waste time checking if it still works or not – this will make things worse!

You might be out and about when the phone gets wet, or you might be at home or in the office. Either way, you will need to find a flat, dry surface that you can use for the following steps. Fast action is hugely recommended – failure to complete this and the following steps quickly will result in a permanently damaged phone or tablet!

Disassemble What You Can

Fortunately phones and tablets don’t come apart too easily. If they did, they’d probably fragment each time they were dropped!

wet cell phone

However along with the battery, there are at most two other items that should be removed. The first is the SIM card, which you should retrieve, dry and keep somewhere safe. Following this, if your device has a removable SD or micro SD card, this should also be removed and dried.

The reason for this step is simple – water gets everywhere! By removing these two cards, you can dry the slots where they are housed with some tissue paper, soaking up as much water as possible.

Drying the Phone or Tablet

Don’t stop with the SIM and SD card slots, however – any water you can find on your switched-off device should be blotted up as quickly as possible.

What follows is a list of suggestions for alternative methods of moisture removal from your hardware, but in the meantime, before reaching that stage, ensure all water droplets around the edge of the display, on the display itself, around any screw holes and bezels (in fact, everywhere on the exterior of your phone or tablet) is soaked up with tissue paper or kitchen towel.

Without taking the device apart (something that in itself is dangerous and with the added moisture drops trickling around becomes smartphone-suicide) this is as dry as you will be able to physically get it.

But what about the insides? Fortunately, there are a couple of tricks you can use…

Drying the Inner Workings

Inside a smartphone or tablet computer you will find processors, circuit boards, button rockets – all places where water can find a home and cause damage. With your waterlogged device quickly switched off and the SIM and micro SD card removed, however, you are in a strong position to recover the device.

You just need to dry the bare circuit board, wires and processors inside.

There are several ways in which you can achieve this:

fix wet cell phone

Hairdryer: with your hairdryer on a low setting and your phone held far enough away that you won’t burn your hand, use the hot air that it projects to dry your phone, spending some time focusing on the battery and SIM/micro SD card slots (in order to push warm, drying air ito the device). Be careful when warming the screen, however, as you don’t want to cause damage to the touch-screen interface. Continue this for up to 30 minutes, maintaining an even covering of warm air.

Oven: placing your phone or tablet on a small empty box on an oven tray and setting the oven to its lowest setting is one other way that you might dry the internal components of your device. Your oven’s lowest temperature (110 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit) shouldn’t cause any damage to your device, but you’ll need to leave it in overnight (or until “done”)

Boiler/Airing Cupboard: another heat-based solution, this will take a few hours to dry your phone – probably about a full day. Make sure your boiler is switched on before using this solution, however.

fix wet cell phone

A Bowl of Rice: while you might have to head to the local convenience store, a bowl of dry, uncooked rice is perhaps the most successful solution to any water damage to your phone or tablet. You’ll need to pack it into a container big enough to hold your hardware and a good layer of rice – about 1 inch on all sides – but the foodstuff will soak up almost all of the moisture overnight, leaving you with a fully working device.

fix wet cell phone

Lots of Silica Gel: if you’re a serial tech addict, the chances are you’ve collected a large supply of silica gel sachets for some indeterminate event in the future. Well, I’ve got news for you – the future is now! Pack your phone or tablet into a box with plenty of silica gel sachets to cover the device on all sides and leave it overnight, and hope that your hoarding wasn’t in vain.

Pure Alcohol: one last suggestion that has been proven to work is the use of pure alcohol. If the damage caused to your device by water is the result of basic physics then the submerging of the switched-off device into rubbing alcohol is a result of basic chemistry. The concept is simple: the alcohol will displace the water, and when your device is removed from the liquid the alcohol will evaporate. This is an extreme solution, but useful if the other fixes don’t work.


wet cell phone

With so many ways of resolving the problem of a waterlogged phone or tablet, you would be forgiven for thinking that it is okay to get your hardware wet.

It isn’t.

These potential fixes are precisely that: “potential” fixes, as opposed to “actual” fixes. They’ve all be used by people in the past, but none is guaranteed to work, not even submerging in rice! As such, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Don’t use your phone or tablet over a toilet, sink or bath.
  • Don’t leave your device in the bathroom (steam from a hot shower can condense and cause water damage).
  • Treat your hardware with respect, regardless of how much it cost you. A replacement will be costly and time consuming to acquire.

Keeping your phone or tablet in a safe place where it is unlikely to be exposed to any water damage is of course the best option!

Image Credit: Mobile floats on water ripples, Hair dryer, Silica Gel packets via Shutterstock

Home » News » Google Now Brings New Tidings With Sports Scores, Showtimes, And Public Alerts

If you happen to own an Android Jellybean device with the mobile Google search assistant, your smartphone just became handier. The very useful Google Now which is a part of search, got a few changes in its latest update. So, you may ask what’s new.

The update to the search assistant brings new cards which will display public emergency alerts, sports updates for your favorite teams, and movie showtimes when you are near a theater. These add to the ten cards already available on Google Now.

The emergency public alerts catch national warnings and will pop-up for any event like earthquakes and hurricanes. The real-time alert could be especially useful if you live in areas prone to massive weather upheavals. For the fun side of things, Google Now recognizes the particular days you go to watch a movie and where. If you are in proximity, Google Now will pop-up with relevant information on any film playing close to the location. You can of course, search for a movie and it will come back with info relevant to your location. Also, sports fans will dig the new feature where you can manually feed Google Now the name of your favorite sports team, and it serves you back with the latest update on any game being played.

Another feature, that seems natural because of Samsung, is that Google Now has added support for Korea. These changes are Android 4.1 Jellybean specific. Download the update from the Google Play Store.

Source: The Verge

Convertir la página de “nueva pestaña” de Chrome en un centro de operaciones

La página de Nueva Pestaña es una de esas grandes ideas que pese a tener relativamente poco tiempo -al fin y al cabo la navegación por pestañas es algo nuevo- ha ido evolucionando con el paso de los años.

Awesome New Tab Page

Por ejemplo, en Chrome, el navegador en el que se centra éste artículo, se introdujeron primero aplicaciones y más tarde se modificó la página, convirtiendose en un sitio con acceso bastante rápido no sólo a éstas sino también a nuestras páginas más visitadas y a las recientemente cerradas.

Sin embargo, no a todos nos acaba de convencer la forma en la que se disponen los elementos, y pensamos que la página podría dar más de si. Afortunadamente, hay numerosas alternativas en forma de extensión, y Awesome New Tab Page es una de ellas.

Sólo apta para los más exijentes y para quienes gusten de una página de nueva pestaña sobrecargada, esta extensión permite sustituir la página por defecto por un completo centro de operaciones desde el que podemos lanzar aplicaciones, vínculos, ver la hora actual, conocer el clima, y demás.

La verdadera potencia de ANTP reside en los widgets, descargables fácilmente desde la propia extensión y a los que cualquiera puede contribuir enviando sus ideas y desarrollos en HTML5 al sitio oficial. Para más información, visitad la página

ANTP es también muy facil de ordenar, y podemos distribuir todos los contenidos que deseemos añadir a conveniencia con un sencillo gesto de ratón.


Herramientas de monitoreo para PC

Aunque tengamos un equipo que sea el tope de gama, nuestra PC siempre requiere de un cuidado especial. Si no tenemos este cuidado, en algún tiempo –puede ser pronto, puede ser dentro de unos años-, nuestra computadora comenzará a sufrir problemas. Por eso, hoy vamos a hacer una lista con algunas herramientas de monitoreo de nuestra PC, que nos permitirán determinar el consumo de la memoria, la temperatura, el estado de la memoria, y  muchas cosas más.


Esta es una herramienta gratuita que nos permite ver qué está pasando en muchos aspectos de nuestro ordenador. Con CPU-Z también tenemos una forma organizada de ver la información, en lugar de buscarla en múltiples fuentes. Concretamente, lo que podemos ver es el tipo y velocidad del procesador, el voltaje, información de la caché, el modelo del motherboard, información detallada de la RAM, detalles del BIOS, y más. Otro de los aspectos interesantes es que se pueden generar reportes con toda esta información, si es que los necesitamos para más tarde.


Otra herramienta muy completa se llama SensorsView, y además de muchas opciones de monitoreo tenemos la posibilidad de controlar la temperatura de nuestra PC. De hecho, lo lleva a un extremo dejándonos ver la temperatura del motherboard, CPU, y los discos duros internos que tengamos instalados. Además de decirnos la temperatura, nos permite setear alarmas para ser avisados cuando la temperatura llega a niveles críticos (algo de mucha utilidad) y nos deja ver el panorama completo de las temperaturas de todas las partes de la PC. Considerando que podemos desde escuchar una alarma hasta recibir un correo electrónico por cada temperatura, tiene un sistema de alertas destacable.

Hardware Sensors Monitor

Otra herramienta muy útil para monitorear la temperatura de nuestra PC es Hardware Sensors Monitor. Existen muchas opciones de Hardware para controlar esto, pero desde el software puede ser algo más complicado. El valor diferencial que nos ofrece esta herramienta, de forma comparativa con SensorsView, es que nos da la posibilidad de apagar la computadora o ejecutar una determinada aplicación cuando el equipo llega a una determinada temperatura, dándonos más opciones de automatización. Las temperaturas críticas también son configurables, permitiéndonos setear una “zona amarilla” y “zona roja” de temperaturas.


Una de las alternativas gratuitas a estas dos herramientas de control de temperatura de las que les hablamos, SpeedFan nos ayuda a predecir posibles fallos de sobrecalentamiento en el sistema. Nos permite además ver las temperaturas actuales del CPU y del disco duro, reportar voltajes, y más, entre otras cosas. No es tan completa como SensorsView o personalizable como Hardware Sensors Monitor, pero es gratuita.

PC Pandora

Para poder monitorear todo lo que está pasando en una computadora podemos usar una de las herramientas más reconocidas, que es PC Pandora. Esta herramienta nos permite hasta grabar la pantalla para ver qué está sucediendo cuando un determinado usuario la tiene en su poder. Aunque podemos trabajar con un poco más de confianza en la gente que tiene que usar nuestra PC, PC Pandora es una buena herramienta para monitorear la seguridad de nuestra computadora, grabando todos los correos electrónicos, mensajes instantáneos, contraseñas y más.


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